• Mrs. Prime

    4th Grade          Room 105

      Supply List



    Water bottles (reusable if possible)

    A soft pencil pouch with zipper

    3 sturdy pocket folders- plastic is better

    Durable, inexpensive headphones NOT ear-pods in a labeled with first and last name in a  plastic bag.

    (1) five subject college ruled notebook with a plastic cover

    2 Packs of #2 pencils

    1 Composition notebook

    4 Elmers Glue Sticks


    1 Package of dry erase markers (4)

    Personal hand sanitizer


    *We have plenty of crayons and markers, but if you would like to bring your own, that is fine. If your family is able, we would love each student to bring in a box of tissues and handsoap.  The school supplies these, but the Puffs Plus Lotion and antibacterial soap are preferred. 


    If you have any questions, please email me at sprime@barnegatschools.com