1. Each day, every student should bring their textbook, notebook (preferably a binder) and a pencil to class. .


    1. Notebooks should be divided into 3 sections:


    1. Quarterly averages are computed in the following manner:


                                        Major Assessments:                            50%

                                        Minor Assessments:                            30%

                                        Course Participation:                           20%



    1. Homework assignments are written on the board and noted on the website on our Google Classroom. You are responsible for writing each assignment in your notebook.


    1. Homework is due the next school day unless otherwise indicated. All homework questions should be attempted to receive credit for the assignment.  Uncollected homework assignments will be reviewed and graded for completion according to the attached Course Participation rubric.


    1. The course participation grade is earned twice each quarter; once at the progress reporting period and once again at the end of each quarter. The attached Course Participation rubric provides details of the grading scale.


    1. Students who are absent are responsible for obtaining assignments the first day they return to school. Worksheets and notes will be given to them.  If you are absent for an extended period of time, please speak to me to set up a due date to complete the missed assignments.