
    Our Mission
    The Barnegat Early Childhood Advisory Council’s mission is to enlist, promote, and support collaboration between the Early Childhood Program and the community through participating in community-wide planning by the school districts and reviewing progress towards full implementation of high-quality preschool programs.

    Our Vision
    The Barnegat Early Childhood Advisory Council is a passionate group of diverse and like-minded community members who believe strongly in the power of community involvement in order to achieve full parent collaboration in school & community events. We aim to support the families through fostering the growth and development of their preschool-age children by offering a magnitude of diverse events, resources, and opportunities to the families within the Barnegat community.


    If you are interested in becoming a member of the Barnegat Early Childhood Advisory Council, please contact  Samantha Fitzmaurice at sfitzmaurice@barnegatschools.com.