

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cathi Marchlewski

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at the Robert L. Horbelt School!  This is my third year at Horbelt as well as pairing with Mrs. Durning, Mrs. Kazanowsky and MrsCarey.  It is a fun and exciting place to work and be with the students.My husband and I live in Barnegat  with our two daughters.  My oldest is a freshman in college and  my youngest is in Brackman.   You can usually find me around town in my favorite two stores...Target and Starbucks!!  Fifth grade is an exciting year as we begin to take all of the skills you have learned so far and apply them to your work.   I am excited to see what the year has in store for us.  Every new year brings about new students and I love learning about what makes you happy. This year brings us a return to "normal" and getting to enjoy all that has to offer.   We will make this year a successful one.   I'm looking forward to a wonderful year full of new and exciting moments with your children.  
